Sunday, February 22, 2009


Yesterday, it was pointed out to me that I need to be patient (in the context of work). But I think the concept probably applies to more [all?] areas of my life.I kinda disagree that I'm impatient, because my spin on it is that I "have a low tolerance for inefficiency".  It's inefficient for me to wait till I'm 16 to drive if I posses the needed qualities and knowledge at 15. It's inefficient to have to have three people sign a document, when only one of those signatures really matters. It's inefficient for me to write code when you can buy a polished product for less money than my time would cost. I don't think it is efficient for me to go to a bar and wade through the girls who are dating already, and the girls who are not what I want, just to get to the one in the room who will go on a few dates with me and then tell me I'm "nice".

OK, I need to stop because I'm getting complainy. But seriously, a lot of things should work better, and they don't and it's dumb. And so that view makes me impatient.


stabbysox said...

wow, that's... kind of depressing. what's the rush?

TildeWill said...

At some point I will be dead. And hopefully some point before that I will be old. I want things to be great before i get old. preferably before I have kids. Either way I'm asking A LOT.