Monday, February 16, 2009

Delicious Drinkage

I was feeling celebratory and the Dickersons treated me to a meal that I had planned to pay for, so I decided to extend the celebration, that we should try making Skittles infused vodka that I saw in my Google Reader.

From Valentine's Day 2009

So we grabbed the ingredients from the store and we were on our way to a weekend long project. The jist of the process is combine roughly 10 skittles per 1oz of vodka, shake, let the candy dissolve overnight, filter through a coffee filter, drink. The details can be found in the link above.


  1. It was way fun to make and just the right amount of monkey business. I wonder if there's a kids drink you could do this to?

  2. The mason jars worked well for shaking. The tutorial also suggested old water bottles, but Lauren loves glass jars, so this worked out.

  3. Just filtering once seemed ok by me. Some were a little thick by vodka standards, but none were like a slurry.

  4. I want to invest in the flasks that they suggested from The Container Store. The mason jars just don't pour very well. I also kinda wanted a hip flask just to carry with me to the various events this weekend, or perhaps on the train ride home.

  5. The red vodka alone tasted like cough medicine, not great for shots. The purple tasted like Dimeatap when combined with Sprite. NONE were very good when combined with regular Coke (and resulted in a beverage that looked like granny poo). Lemon (Yellow) and Lime (Green) went excellently with Sprite. I suspect Orange would go well with a citrus juice.

  6. 2oz of infused vodka with 6oz of sprite (8oz glasses) was just about perfect. You couldn't taste the vodka, but you could sustain an entertaining level of intoxication for a solid evening without being wrecked the next day.

All in all it was a fun project and a great way to spend time with friends. I also got suggestions to try this with Jolly Ranchers, which I suspect would not require the filter step. other suggestions from places I've beenand the internet include things that don't sound great, like peppers and pickles. If this continues to be fun I may start making gifts out of this.

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