Tuesday, July 27, 2010

I'm sorry Mr. Dino...

It seems your flight is delayed several million years, we're terribly
sorry for this inconvenience.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Old Stuff

Tonight I decided to dig through some of the stuff I have squandered away. Old stuff. Lots of cards, many from birthdays and Christmas. There's also a lot of photos. It's sort of my life summary to me in one foot cube. No one else would know what it means, not by itself. I know when things are out of order chronologically, and yet I don't ever try to organize it.

I found a really great card from the Dickersons back when I was living in Cincinnati and they were hundreds of miles apart. Matt bought the card, wrote a message in it, mailed it to Lauren, she wrote her own message in it, then sent it on to me. It's the cool fun stuff like that which makes them an awesome married couple.

It's funny-interesting to me to look at some of the pictures. Like when I was actin in A Midsummer Night's Dream and my mom had me pose next to Nick. I admired the hell out of Nick's acting ability and I remembered feeling like I didn't deserve to be in a picture with him. In hindsight, I was probably intimidating to him as well.

What stood out to me the most from all this history perusing was one thing: Anne and Anne understand me. Both Cyran and Radavich get who Will Read is at his core. Anne C's cards still make me laugh in the way that we first shared a double entendre about wood. Anne R helps me laugh at the embarrassing parts of life. They both get my love for dinosaurs. It gives me a sad when I think that I haven't seen either of them in a long time. Dear Anne & Anne, Seems like it's time for some travel. ~Will

Thursday, July 22, 2010

It Feels Like That Thing

I'm setting up a new comedy show. It isn't really a troupe, maybe only a set number of shows. I don't know what it'll be. But I'm making it. And that feels good. Really good. Something to put my name to, something to own.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Monday, July 12, 2010

More on Working Things Out

When I was in high school I knew who I was, and that was a huge edge over just about everyone else I knew. I was really comfortable in my skin, to the point where I never worried about how people perceived me. I was who I was and that was enough.

Somewhere I lost that edge. People figured out who they are and I stopped being special for having it together ahead of the crowd. I also invested my identity in fencing. Since setting fencing aside, I've been trying to decouple who I am from what I [did] do.

To me, my life is no more important that the next person's life. My time is just as important as the next. My happiness is just as necessary to me as yours is to you. The way I view the world it is all very flat, very equal. With that kind of view, it is hard for me to feel "this is important, drop what you're doing and listen to me." Huh. That's exactly the kind of thing that is really hard for me to do.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Working Things Out

I'll be 29 this month. I don't so much worry about being old as I do being... well, single. I feel like my two years here in San Francisco has been a huge sink hole as far as dating goes. In the mean time I have mastered the art of convincing women that they are not romantically interested in me, but instead want to be my friend. Don't get me wrong, friends are great.

The biggest thing I can point a finger at is my own confidence. As I've discussed before, I'm pretty shameless, but it isn't the same as being confident. I feel like this is also the explanation for the gap I feel between the comedic, youthful, and responsible individual I am, and my desire to be "an adult".

This gap, I'm afraid to face it. I know I was confident in myself when I was in high school. I knew who I was and I was very comfortable in my skin. Somewhere in there, I lost my skin, and my self-perception hasn't caught up - so I'm unsure. There are other things I'm afraid of too.

I'm afraid to do stand up, not because I might fail, but because I might succeed. And then I would have to answer the question of "Why was I doing other things all my life?" Similarly I'm afraid to get involved at church, because I've come close to considering a life as a minister, and I don't know how to resolve that identity with who I see myself to be today. I'm afraid to go to Italy because I might find that special someone there and find myself making a choice between the USA and love.

All of this sounds ridiculous when I type it out, but this is what Will Read deals with as a non-trivial part of his life. I won't be told it is silly, I'm not ready to let go of my fears just yet.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

When a Thing is Over

The worst part about when a thing is over, aside from the emotional havoc, is that I invariably had something that I was planning to give to her. And it is always something that's very specific to that girl, or that I wrote an inscription on - not the kind thing that you can just regift to someone else. Then I have the three choices: 1) Give/throw it away, 2) keep it, and always be reminded of how things didn't work out, or 3) give it to her after the fact anyway because that's where the gift belonged.

Right now I've got this book I picked up in NYC that has her name on the inside cover. I'm taking votes on what to do with it.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Half a Block

I rode my bike almost all the way home this time. I crapped out just a half block from the top of the mountain. I'm getting better, stronger, faster. I rock.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Macy's Fireworks

Bon Freedom-from-King Day everyone!!!

Table Tennis + Drinks

Welcome to SPiN Will Read!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Clever sky writing

Not *that* tall

But not "short" either.

Cutest. Dino.


All the cool dinos

Say "3" this way

Dino skull, or Alien skull

You decide


The Thumbs-Up Dinosaur


Since I say it a lot

"A Mose is a large animal"

Koodoo to you too

I guess the raptor fences are down

And have been for a while

I almost got trampled

Big dinosaurs are big


... but there's only room for one on this horse and it's my turn.

I do love me some fountains

And row boating in the background! Sigh, if only I had a travel buddy...

Where Harry Met Sally

Central Park: ...and where a bunch of other people met too. It's a
pretty meetable place.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Strand, a bookstore

"18 Miles of Books" is their slogan. I know a somebody who could
really get behind a place like this. NYC is amazing.

Epic Post Office

Xtranormal - A Site Built for People With Ideas

You write the script, drag in a few actions, camera angles, and sounds and next thing you know you're turning your sketch comedy ideas into something tangible. I wish I had a PC to try out the desktop software. Dickerson, this seems right up your alley. http://xtranormal.com/