Saturday, March 20, 2010

I am an Idiot

Amongst other reasons tied to my Sacramento SNAFU that have yet to play out, I am a dumb ass. I brought my laptop on the train. No, it didn't get stolen. I did intend to use it, to write a blog and just bask in having phone-tethered-internet-everywhere glory.

The train pulls in to the station at 11:20, just a few minutes behind schedule, and I climb on board. People say "climb", but really it is just a step. No one says, "I stepped on board the train." Why is that? Anyway, I start looking for a seat and it is worse than the movies. All the chunks of seats are either two people or four, and everyone needs their bag to have a seat as well. I'm walking down the isle and I spot a four seater with the nice table for my laptop, so I give it a good look.

While no one is present, clearly someone is sitting here. I judge from the flowery tweed glasses case it's probably an elderly woman. There's also some notes an a pencil, but not much else to indicate anyone else is sitting there. So I unpack my laptop, plug in, and settle in.

About this time I look up and notice that there's not one, but two tickets above this nook, she must have a companion with her. I pause, I contemplate if I should move, and I conclude that two people do not require four seats, surely there'd be room for me and my laptop.

When the ladies return they're quick to inform me that I'm sorely mistaken. "You see we're playing a card game, and well we need the entire table." I'm sure that I looked at her, looked at the enormous table, and looked back at her with an incredulous stare. She wasn't giving me an opening. I debated the merits of making a scene. One of two things were likely to happen, either a) I pis her and her friend off, but they let me sit down anyway, and I have to sit with people who hate me to save face, or b) I simply embarrass two old ladies who just want to play cards on a train.

I opted for plan c) "I understand, I can move if you'll just unplug that cord for me... thank you." And I went and sat down next to the hottest girl in the car. She starts up a conversation after I get the ok to sit by asking if those old ladies kicked me out. I sheepishly replied yes, made a few more exchanges, then proceeded to put on my headphones and watch a movie. THIS is why I'm an idiot.

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