Thursday, January 15, 2009


When I think about my exes, specifically the people they dated before me, or the people they dated after me, none of them remind me of myself. To me, I can usually group the other guys together under some common theme, a theme that I can't readily apply to myself.

This one dated pot heads. That one dated guys twice my size. So why me? How do I fit in? Am I missing the common thread that really binds us all together? Did I hurt her so much that she never wants to go near the Will-genre again.

Or maybe I'm just terribly unique. Maybe they really don't make guys like me. I'm sure I'm like the bajillionth guy to think that - how very un-unique of me (does that work out to just "nique"?).

Yes, I'm losing my grip on who I am, what others see in me. I need a job.

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