Wednesday, September 24, 2008

"It's Working Like Gangbusters"

The saying is from Eteranl Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and has no bearing on this post, I just wanted to say it because it's been a long day.

I cried at work today, in front of my boss, Adam. Part of it is that TiVo is one of our customers, and suddenly I had to make a bunch of changes I promised for Monday next week. The change in priority came from jesper who comitted the work without asking the person doing the work (me). It's total bull shit that happened because they're buddies.

Back in developer land, we've been trying to get a release out the door. The main feature holding up the show is the one with my name on it. Which blows because the real reason is that I had enough time to do it if I had the informaiton at the beginning of the release. Instead I got the info at the end, some still pending today as I type this. But who is doing the work? The engineers. Will people think "Oh well certainly the people doing the work aren't the reason the work didn't get done."? Hell no.

So everything I'm working on is in fire drill mode and looks like a big steamy failure. Tonight I didn't even have the option to skip out on Nikki's birthday, and tomorrow I have to cancel my kiteboarding group meetup. So it's cutting into my personal life, and it's no wonder I broke down today.

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