Saturday, March 21, 2009


At work, we pair program. It's better than code reviews because it's inline. Someone always knows what I'm doing, and he can offer advice as I go. He can steer me clear of potential pitfalls. He keeps me honest. My pair is always up to speed and so it is easy to talk to him about the thing I'm working on because he's a part of that too. In return I do the same things for my pair, whoever it might be that day.

I think a good relationship is a lot like pair programming. Someone who is an active part of my life. I don't have to bring her up to speed because she's there every step of the way. I pull on her experience to help me when I get stuck. I give her a chance to rest while I drive for a bit. In return, she gets the same things from me.

I want to find my pair someday.

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