Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Oh Yeah!

On my way back from climbing tonight I got what I consider to be the coolest thing you can get in SF and no where else: A CABLE CAR HIGH FIVE! Some kid riding the boards on an on coming car held up his hand, I understood, held mine up and we gave each other a high five at 19mph! Everyone on my car who saw it had a big smile on their face, one that probably looked like my own I'm sure.

Rock climbing at Mission Cliffs was even better tonight. It was busy as hell and Rosey couldn't make it out, both factors combined well because there was a guy there who needed a climbing buddy. I went up a 5.6 and 5.7 pretty smoothly this time, really got my feet into places where grabbing the next hold was a piece of pie.

So Josh went up this 5.10 in a corner. It seemed pretty straight forward, and when you needed an extra hold or footing you can always smear on the wall for a transition. So up I went, and I got through the first two thirds without much trouble save a long reach half way. Then I got stuck. Rather than burning out, I yielded to the wall and came down. Josh complimented me, saying it was a big jump from 5.7 to a 5.10, and we called it a night trading business cards on the way out.

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