Thursday, September 9, 2010

Lame Blog is Lame

It's been almost a month since I last blogged. I've been to Chicago another time, and now I'm working on Groupon's API. What's an API? Well it's the glue that makes the app on your iPhone hook in to the website so you can buy stuff from your handheld. It's good work.

Comedy is also blowing up. I'm in a second group called Endgames Productions. We performed last Friday for the Hunter's Point Yacht Club here in SF. The Dickersons even got to see my comedy finally. My parents will get to see me perform this upcoming Thursday when my original troupe, Reply All, takes the stage. I find that I'm being funnier, like how I felt about myself back in high school.

In a lot of ways I feel like there's been a bit of a reboot to when I was 19. It doesn't make sense when I type it out, and the parts that do make sense you'd probably judge me harshly if I did tell you. It's almost like I get to rewind the years I spent fencing and make a different choice, or a different set of choices rather. I'm feeling less "behind", and more like I'm moving and I have ten more year of experience while being as fearless, confident, and charismatic as I was before a string of bad jobs and over commitment pulled those things away from my bones. I'm back to being the guy who can look in the mirror and tackle my goals like a seasoned pro.

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