Thursday, September 23, 2010

Noteworthy - Leaving Reply All

I left my first improv troupe, Reply All, on Tuesday. The funny parts are fun, but despite being low drama content, the off-stage stuff wasn't what I wanted from my improv troupe. I want some drive. I want a troupe that fights for gigs. I want a clear decision making process, not a weird mix of democracy and oligarchy. I want to feel valued when I have feedback and not ostracized. If I have an opinion, I want it to count more than a red vote in a blue state. If I don't have a voice, that's fine too, but I need to know where I stand, and I had none of that in Reply All. What kills me most about leaving is that they'll go on to be funny and they'll keep doing great shows without me. They may even pull it together and organize all the things I felt I was missing in the troupe. Who knows?!?! I do know that if I had stayed much longer I would have come to loathe practice and I would have been poison to the rest of the group.

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