Monday, November 26, 2007


From good ol' Wikipedia: Centration is the tendency to focus on one aspect of a situation and neglect others. A term introduced by the Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget (1896–1980) to refer to the tendency of young children to focus attention on only one salient aspect of an object, situation, or problem at a time, to the exclusion of other potentially relevant aspects.

But then there's concentration, when broken into a prefix, con-, and a root of -centration, should be the opposite - the tendency to take in to account all aspects of a situation and neglect none. says to concentrate means, "To direct one's thoughts or attention".

So comparing centration to concentration, I'd say centration is kind of like having tunnel vision. The advantage is that you can analyze the hell out of one aspect, but the detriment is that that one aspect may be so far removed from the context that your findings may not be directly applicable.

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