Monday, May 17, 2010


This Saturday I went sky diving with the Great Dickersonaians, my brother, and my sister-in-law. It was hella fun, not scary at all, and well worth the $100 you have to lay down. But then, it wasn't really sky diving, it was more like dude-backing where you strap a guy to your back and trust him not to hurt you.

It really is funny how the brain goes just a little dumb. You get pushed out of a plane and you can feel the wind rushing past your face and see the ground getting closer to you, and you think calmly to yourself, "I have never felt anything like this. As long as the chute opens this is going to be awesome." And the instructor spins you around a bit, makes a joke via hand signals, and eventually pulls the cord. And instead of being whipped in to an upright position, you just kind of find yourself gently transitioning from horizontal to vertical. Next thing you know you're landing on the ground, right where you ought to land.

P.S. Matt says he'd dress up as Abraham Lincoln if he ever jumped solo.

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