Saturday, December 6, 2008

Welcome InfoQ

I imagine if you're reading this today, then there's a good chance you came here from InfoQ. This blog is my personal blog, and as a result, contains my thoughts regarding life outside of work. If you're looking for my original post about Mesh Networks, head over to where I co-author a blog with Matt Magurany.

Now, if you're still reading this, let me fill you in a little bit about myself. Presently I'm a project manager disguised as a software developer. I've been developing in .Net for the past 4 years, and it was PHP before that, and Java back in school. By night however, I've been the owner of a fencing studio (yes, swords and young people), the finance guy for a housing project in Tennessee,  and climber of man-made rock faces. These experiences have meant that I've been in charge of a quarterly budget of $100,000, it means I've had to become a fencing instructor to hundreds of new fencers and travel the country to support a few elites, and it means that sometimes I fall so far that I have to start over from the beginning.

I believe that work shouldn't make you miserable. You spend roughly half your waking hours at your job, and life is too short to have that make you unhappy. As a result of that belief, I spend a great deal of energy thinking about how I can make my work place better for myself and the people I work with. I constantly pull on the experiences I have outside of the office to guide me in the decisions I make. Those same experiences help give me a more well-rounded perspective when I am trying to understand someone else's concern.

I should also mention that if I seem like the kind of employee your company is missing, then drop me a line because I'm looking. Feel free to poke around here, leave your comments if you like, but make sure you get over to my other blog too. Thanks for stopping by!

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