Tuesday, January 12, 2010

I Need

I need a push. I just came back from a presentation by SFSU on their Core Coaching curriculum, which aims to get one certified and ready to be a life coach. A life coach is a guy you go to when you want to get better at life. I would be good at this, but I'm afraid.

I'm afraid I'll lack the experience to back up my advice. I haven't had kids. I don't have a wife. How can I possibly relate to and advise people with these kinds of backgrounds in a way that inspires confidence? I'm terrified that an old man will say, "Well what do you know?!?!" and storm out of my office. Or worse, what if I have to suggest to someone that he does something that I myself am afraid to do? I'm looking at stepping way out of my comfort zone here.

I've been a fencing coach. I've trained to be a coach of sorts in software and have my Scrum Master certification to show for it. I've helped people build houses. This is something you could argue I was born to do. As early as 15 I can remember my church pegging me for a path to being a minister - I shied away then for the same reasons I hesitate now.

I need someone to tell me I can be successful as a coach. I also need to really hear it, really listen when you tell it to me.

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