Monday, September 28, 2009

Color and Shoes

Walking home tonight I saw a girl, as one often does on the street, and she was mostly ordinary, unremarkable, with one exception. She had on a bright orange scarf. The color seemed to say to me "I'm having fun, life is awesome." It was just a scarf, on just another girl, but together, they were extraordinary.

I had been thinking about going back to my mis-matched Chuck's for a few weeks now. Partially motivated by my desire to re-find my own roots. Partially motivated by my upcoming high school reunion. Partially motivated to have a shield again, something I could deflect a stranger's dislike unto. And today, partially motivated by the need to have color, the need to look fascinating in a very simple way - a way that says "life is awesome".

Zappos will be sending me two pairs in short order, a navy blue and a light blue pair. I figure it'll be a good start, and something bold enough to achieve my goal, but subtle enough I can wear them at the office.

1 comment:

mcd1901 said...

Ha - forgot to tell you I bought a new car. It's bright orange pretty much for the exact reason you have in your post - just to have fun.