Monday, April 13, 2009

Shameless Shown to Differ From Confidence

Lara pointed out that I have no shame, and while there's some overlap with being confident, it isn't the same.

I have no shame. It lets me yell in public, dance, and hump people's legs as a greeting. It keeps me from getting flustered when someone has something negative to say. Yet it isn't confidence.

I think confidence must be what it is like to have no shame, and to be suave about it. It's a certain charisma, a certain deciceiveness. It's having a plan, but being able to improvise. It's knowing everything and reacting quickly, fluidly. It is also about knowing that someone wants to talk to you, about holding their attention in a conversation.

Confidence is more than standing up straight or how you walk. There's something else to it, something I can't put my finger on... It's like a good comedian tells a joke and he knows when, where, and how the laught will come before he even starts.


stabbysox said...

this, combined with the title of the previous post, was pretty funny.

TildeWill said...

Hahaha! But if I really was ashamed, I probably wouldn't tell the world

joshuadlwilliams said...

If you were ashamed, and you did tell the world because you thought it would help, would that be courage?