Sunday, November 30, 2008

Visitors from Another State

My family came into town this week! We did all kinds of stuff, and there was a metric ton of cable car riding, but we also managed to hit up the street car, the bus, the old school street car, and BART. I'm still glad to be in SF, and I don't feel home sick really, but I was happy to have a bit of home here. The other nice thing was showing them around all the places I go so they can picture it when I talk about it on the phone.

Of the places we went, SFMOMA (the modern art museum) was the most fun for me. This was largely due to the fact that I wasn't afraid to interact with the art that was there for you to interact with. Paper on the ground? I'm reading it! Brooms to pick up? I'm pickin'! it kind of made the Academy of Science pale in comparison with it's lack of stuff to put your hands on.

While they were here, they got to meet Amy. They also hung out with the Dickerson's on Saturday. I was most happy to see them interacting with my friends, new and old, in SF. As all trips though, they had to end and I'm pretty tired. So while they fly over two time zones into a third, I'm going to clean up the war zone and take a nap.

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