Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Broken Fortune

Today's cookie was already broken in half, so I'm not entirely sure the fortune is still valid - "A job well begun is half done". I think I'm mildly disappointed that the English on these cookies is very correct. The broken English on other cookies adds a certain authenticity to the fortune and makes it that much more mysterious and convincing. Which makes me wonder if it is easier to believe in something you don't fully understand, vs. something you do understand, in which case you either accept it as true or false based on your understanding. A profound thought for a cookie.


bathpenguin said...

I think it is easier to believe in something you don’t fully understand...

Isn't that the basis of faith as a whole?

nutgatherer said...

After going to the Golden Gate Fortune Cookie Company in SF and seeing the Ziploc bag full of fortunes, it kind of took away the magic for me. In my head, someone carefully and lovingly chose just the right fortune, knowing it was coming to me. Instead, it was a disgruntled Asian teenager half-heartedly grabbing handfuls of slips of paper to shove in the cookies. Sniff.