- New job at Stageit as head of engineering
- Moved to LA
- New girlfriend, who will be moving in with me in a month
- New car
- Car got broken in to and phone stolen
- New phone
- A sense of being very far from my friends
I miss Lara and Ian. I miss the peeps from euchre, CJ, Amy, Cathy, Jane, Miles, Greg, and Heidi. I miss knowing a city. I don't miss feeling lost like I did two years ago, I do feel like I've got a direction that works for now. I also continue to impress myself with fluidity with which I can uproot myself, but that doesn't mean the transition isn't fun. I think about Justin and Dmitriy and wonder how they're doing back at Pivotal. I wonder what it's like to be in Alex's shoes running a team at Groupon or how the rest of the Chicago guys are doing these days - I saw Groupon bought Obtiva. I don't miss the cold summers of SF (and don't try to quote me Mark Twain before you go look that shit up), sun in LA is great. I miss the bridges and not driving - traffic sucks. To say that I regret my choice to move to LA would be incorrect. It's different being here, life is change. The only mistake I can make is to fail to adapt.