Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Too Much of Everything

The dating scene is kinda crazy suddenly. I had three first dates lined up this week plus I'm hearing from ladies I assumed I'd never hear from again. Some say it's the cold, others say it's the holidays. Whatever it is, I've noticed.

My new "phone" is working out ok. Calls are still kind of rocky, and Google Latitude had me in the East Bay for a day and then in the North Bay for another 24 hours. But I still like the size and functionality. I'm stuck on this one level of Angry Birds though.

I recently got a pep-talk telling me to be the guy who says "yes" to opportunities. And the more I think about it, the more I think I've been saying "yes" a lot more since moving out to California. Kite surfing? Yes! Glass flame working? Yes! Work out three nights a week? Yes! Improv? Yes! Life coaching class? Yes! Learn to snowboard? Yes! Go on a bunch of first dates? Yes! Trip to Egypt? Yes! Bike to work? Yes! And in all this yes saying, I think this is where I feel like I've lost myself. Will Read plays euchre with friends. He fenced like a mo-fo. Will likes to climb artificial rock faces. He blogs a lot more than this guy has been blogging. His shoes are mismatched. He uses tools and makes stuff out of wood. He repairs houses. Where is that guy?

I'm not complaining, I've done some really cool shit in the last 2.5 years. But it's time to re-root. A few months ago when I wrote, everything around me seemed of sand. Now I feel like there's at least some soil, maybe a rock or two near by. I'm grabbing on, and my grip is mightier than ever before.

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